August 12, 2020

Finding and keeping the right software professionals can be difficult; even more so in current circumstances. We are literally at war for talent, yet must get even more work done for even less budgets. What would your day look like if you didn’t have to worry about this anymore? 

Before COVID-19, research showed that 30-40 percent of employees in any given company were already contingent workers. Today this number is on the rise. With business models changing underneath our feet like quicksand, it can be hard to know where to look and what to value in an on-demand workforce. 

Everything points to a significant increase in an On-Demand Flexible Workforce, it’s clear that on-demand staffing is here to stay. But why should you adjust?

Cut hard costs and build alliances

Now is the perfect opportunity to taper down and cut out your company’s excess hard costs and overheads by creating or expanding on productive win-win alliances. It’s the time to get more value for less money. 

How? By employing a skilled on-demand flexible workforce that can seamlessly integrate with your company’s existing employees. 

The future lies in highly skilled qualified partners that are already trained and raring to jump into your projects from the get go. Today, on-demand staff keep their skills up to date, resulting in a competitive, attentive and dedicated workforce.

What are the benefits to On-Demand Talent? 

  • Reduced operational fixed hard costs
  • Total flexibility to increase/decrease team size and adapt your workforce based on the needs of the business
  • Reduced time and money spent on recruiting, training  and retaining new talent.
  • Speed and scale: large teams get mobilized quickly
  • Singular, dedicated and personalized focus from a flexible workforce no different than your employees.
  • Access talent that successfully matches your business needs and likely missing in the marketplace
  • You create a strategic trusted partner to support your business needs and allow you to stay highly competitive

What to look for when hiring On-Demand

  • Vetted, mature and skilled individuals with expertise in the needed tech stacks
  • Transparent and direct communication with resources and management
  • Relevant expertise and experience to augment your existing workforce
  • Cultural fit / similar work culture
  • Friendly time zones and ability to burst overlapping hours
  • Team stability and very low attrition rates
  • Top tier educational background delivering best in class talent
  • Global presence to allow for local/global solutions
  • A one stop partner for all of your Software engineering needs


Let Go and Get Lean

Letting go of an old business model that doesn’t serve your company can be uncomfortable, but we all find ourselves having to rethink it in this new normal. We know one thing that is certain, it’s that the company that doesn’t adapt to change will eventually become obsolete.

Whether you find yourself short staffed, unable to find the right talent, doing more work with less budget, behind on projects or unable to meet your company’s demands, explore how Softensity is helping companies adapt and thrive using our “People as a Service” model supported by a Business Continuity Guarantee. 

Give your company the help and support it deserves.

Are you ready?


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