Tips for IT Support Teams, Part II

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IT Tips & Insights: In the second part of this series, a Helpdesk rep discusses the importance of mastering the tools at your disposal and maintaining a learning mindset. 

By Nestor Velasquez, IT Helpdesk Representative

In the tech industry, good support is crucial as it’s the first point of contact between the company and the user. Good user support directly impacts the reputation of the company from the point of video of the end customer. This series of tips and strategies is meant to help teams provide excellent support service. Whether you’re a team leader or a member of an IT support team, these best practices are essential to boost user support. 

Read the first post in this two-part series here. Part two in the series begins below.

Learn How To Use the Tools at Your Disposal

In the vast world of technology, there is an immense variety of tools and resources that help us solve different problems, complete different requirements, and improve internal processes within a company or even our workflow. Consider a martial arts expert or a master of a musical instrument. Before achieving such mastery, they must start by understanding the basics of that specific art. As they continue to practice, learn their instrument inside and out, experiment, and do things never thought of before, they finally reach the point of mastering their art.

If we want to improve our IT skills, and add more value to our work, it’s very important — almost indispensable — to master to perfection the tools we use in our day-to-day job so that we can solve problems of any complexity in the most optimal way possible. 

Every day new versions of software, new updates, and improvements of the software or hardware we use will be released. If we want to remain the best option when we’re hired for a particular project, and make a positive impact on our customers and company, we need to advance as technology advances. To be experts in the use of all of the tools that we need.

Never Stop Learning

The world of technology is in constant movement and evolution, which means that there will be times when certain tools, programming languages, and software that we use will simply become obsolete. Many tools we use will be replaced by other technologies that greatly improve the performance of the same tasks, using new tech that achieves better results in less time. This saves resources, which means that many companies will seek people who specialize in such tools because they translate to more profits for fewer resources.

All of this constant movement means that working in technology can be both exciting and a headache, though if you’ve made it this far you probably find this world exciting. To succeed in technology, it’s critical to have the mindset to never stop learning. This mentality can make a big difference between someone who succeeds and someone who fails in this industry.

Every good teacher first started as a student, and the best teachers never stop learning. 

We must always be prepared for change. As a society, we are often resistant to change, but to think that our current knowledge and the tools we use at this moment will always be the best is limited thinking. The world is moving faster and faster, and those who are not willing to move forward will simply be left behind. 

No matter how much we know about current software, a programming language, or a specific set of tools, new solutions will always come out that will make our previous knowledge obsolete. Bottom line, if we want to succeed in this industry we must constantly learn, stay up on the latest trends in technology, and always stay one step ahead so that when change comes, we will be prepared.



Hi everyone, I’m Nestor. I’m 26 years old and I’ve been in the technology world for more than 4 years at a professional level. Currently I’m an IT helpdesk representative at Softensity. I’m mostly dedicated to providing technical support using various helpdesk tools to companies in different areas.

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