October 21, 2021

Supercharge Your .NET 5 APIs with OData 

.NET Programmer at Work

IT Tips & Insights: An experienced software engineer shares tips for getting more out of .NET WEB API using OData in this instructional video. 

By Vincent Burgos, Softensity Software Developer / Engineer

Today, we’re going to learn how to make .NET WEB API (Restful) better and more powerful using OData. OData provides a more simplistic approach to getting and manipulating data over http. It provides out-of-the box functionalities that are usually written with code that is complex and sometimes tedious. With OData on .NET, you only needed a couple of lines to take advantage of Filtering, Projection, Pagination and more.


Hi, I’m Clyde. I have been a Software Developer / Engineer for more than 10 Years, and have been doing Cloud related projects with Azure for a couple of years now. I also love doing DevOps and SRE stuff! I am 3x Azure Certified and I love solving Architectural problems. I also love leading teams and sharing the knowledge I learn from day to day work.

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