Meet the Team: Juan Piccirilli

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To Juan Piccirilli, sharp career pivots just keep life interesting. An industrial designer by training, a photographer by habit, and a resource manager by profession, Juan describes his journey so far as eclectic. In his free time, you’ll probably find him riding his bike to a cool cafe in Buenos Aires, but at Softensity, he works hard to connect clients’ needs with skilled IT professionals.

What is your role at Softensity?

As a resource coordinator, I think of myself as the link between sales, business opportunities, and our recruiters. When sales closes a deal with a client, I build the necessary teams based on the client’s needs in order to drive success.

I’m also involved with our onboarding process and making sure our employees feel like their skills are being properly utilized. I make sure everyone is happy with their assignment and that it aligns with their career progression goals.

How has your experience led you to your current role at Softensity?

I actually have a pretty eclectic background — it’s 100% technical but not exactly in IT. I studied to be an industrial engineer for a few years, but I got bored and moved to industrial design. That was great, but it’s hard to find the right job in that area, so after a few years in automotive design, I looked into human resources, which aligned really well with the skills I wanted to develop.

Resource management works for me because I really have so many passions – design, teaching, project management – and I’m enjoying linking them all together. So, it’s been a varying path, but I’m really happy that I get to develop myself through all these different experiences.

What challenges have you faced in your career? How did you overcome them?

Well, for one, I like challenges because doing the same thing over and over would be a bit boring. At Softensity, I think the leadership constantly challenges me to help them improve the company. For example, they wanted me to analyze our process from the beginning of sales outreach to the final delivery. It was hard work but it was also fun and rewarding to know they trusted me to take this on.

How do you connect with your team working remotely?

Since I live in Buenos Aires, I actually get to work in-person once a month and see everyone face-to-face. Obviously, not everyone has this opportunity, so I’m very lucky to see our other colleagues here so often.

In Argentina, socializing is really important to us, and that warm, social part of our culture is also visible within the team. I think we all get along and feel really supported by each other, even though I haven’t met everyone in person.

What’s the best part of working for Softensity?

I really like that there seems to be a lot of room to grow. I can be a part of developing new processes and areas of the company while also developing personally. It feels like you can continue to grow and expand and never reach a stopping point. There’s always more to aspire to.

How does Softensity support your growth professionally?

I haven’t been here long, but already feel like leadership is open to letting me try new things. For example, if I told my boss tomorrow that I wanted to learn a new skill set, they’d be happy to help me explore and find a new way of doing things. You feel supported and can see new opportunities around you. That creates a rich environment for someone who’s looking to develop their skills. 

What advice would you give to someone who’s just starting their career?

I’d say don’t put all your focus on one thing, one pathway, but rather learn as much as you can. Right now, I work in HR but my background in industrial design and my studies in UX design help me think from different perspectives and solve problems. I would always be open to learning and new experiences.